About us

Kore Auahi (Zero Emission) is an emission offset certification service. Helping organisations calculate and offset their carbon emissions.

An initiative of NETZERO.KIWI LTD

Have any questions? Contact us.

How it works


About Emission Offsetting:

During the everyday activity of New Zealand organisations some emissions are often unavoidable.

These emissions can be accounted for and then offset, to effectively cancel them out.

Emission offsetting means the measurement, reduction and offsetting of carbon emissions by the cancellation of carbon credits.1

Carbon neutrality: Carbon emitted equals carbon captured.

An organisation can go carbon neutral by removing the equivalent amount of carbon from the atmosphere as they have emitted.

This can be achieved by cross crediting carbon removal that has occurred outside their organisation’s boundary.2

Step 1: Emission Declaration:

Organisations can calculate their carbon footprint by entering all scope 1 emission data for the year period into the emissions calculator.

‘Scope 1 emissions’ are direct emissions from sources owned or controlled by the organisation.3

For example: If an organisation uses a third-party service, such as a mail delivery company, the emissions produced by that service are outside the organisation’s boundary and are not counted towards the organisations carbon footprint.

‘Year period’ refers to the 12 month time-frame, ending on the year ending date, in which emissions are accounted for and declared.

For example: If the year ending date is 31/3/2024, then the ‘year period’ goes from 1/4/2023 to 31/3/2024. All scope 1 emission data in this time-frame is then entered into the emissions calculator.

The year ending date can be any date within the last 12 month time-frame.

Be careful to not double count when entering data for petrol and diesel emissions, as there is the option to enter both km and litres.

For example: If your only diesel use is from a car and you have entered the number of diesel km used, then you don’t need to enter the number of litres used.

Step 2: Emission Offsetting:

After generating an emissions report, organisations can then offset their emissions by purchasing carbon offsets.

Carbon offsets are generated when carbon credits are cancelled or removed from circulation in a verifiable manner. (Carbon credits represent CO2 that is verified to have been removed from the atmosphere.)

Organisations attach their emission declaration and confirm that the quantity of carbon offsets entered matches the quantity of emissions declared.

After purchase we generate the organisation’s carbon neutral certification by executing an offset transaction which permanently removes carbon credits from circulation in manner which is able to be verified by the public.

About Offset Certification:

Carbon neutral certification consists primarily of an emission declaration report and an offset transaction.

The emission declaration shows how much carbon has been emitted by an organisation and the offset transaction shows how much carbon offsets have been generated and credited to the organisation.

Each certification is hosted in the registry and is able to be audited by any member of the public. See an example certification.

Each certification is valid for 1 year from the year ending date entered in the organisation’s emission declaration.

For example: If the year ending date is 31/3/2024, then the certification expires on 1/4/2025.

Organisations can then market their carbon neutral operating status.4